
Personal Websites

The best feature of the web is the kind of individual content that has nowadays been largely been segregated to social platforms. On the other hand, increasingly lower cost to hosting and serving your own content has made it easier for many people to publish to the web. Often times, this kind of stuff is hard to find and even connected to in the first place. Turns out much high-quality web content is highly interwoven!

Gwern Branwen frequently blogs a breadth of sometimes contrarian, unbashedly opinionated tech culture pieces

Patrick Collison curates pages on topics he explores, such as quick execution

Andy Matuschak publishes his personal notes online as an experiment of working in the open, writing about his experiences designing human empowering systems

Some more…

Deep Learning

Deep Learning by Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville is a great, free online textbook

Efficient Backprop by Yann LeCun covers tips tuning neural networks through backpropagation

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis by Frankle and Carbin explores the phenomenon of winning ticket network weights (generated by applying post-training, absolute weight-conditional binary masks on reset weights before re-training) that lead to better performance than their equivalent trained-to-convergence networks

Why Deep Learning Works Even Though It Shouldn’t by Ryan Moulton writes of his research intuitions and offers suggestions

A number of helpful sources for approaching linear algebra:

Some sources for learning on time series data:

Graph Neural Network resources, a Twitter thread by Petar Veličković, contains great resources covering the state of graph neural networks

The Neural Network Zoo by the Asimov Institute is a fun exploration of the breadth of deep learning network architectures

Distill is a highly curated research journal which publishes quality articles that summarize areas of research in machine learning, often accompanied by interactive visualizations for better explainability of intricate techniques

einops is a PyTorch tensor modification library which easily abstracts complex transformations with cool intro docs

Weight-Agnostic Neural Networks demonstrates the success of neural networks without training, focusing on optimal weight initialization for reinforcement learning and classical supervised learning tasks

OpenAI Microscope visualizes features of a collection of convolutional neural networks using lucid

VGG Image Annotator (VIA) is a simple, self-contained image, audio, and video annotation tool


Many of Paul Graham’s essays can satiate interests in technology, startups, and philosophy relating to the two

The Bitter Lesson by Rich Sutton reminds of the reality of working with persistent computational power growth

You and Your Research by Richard Hamming reflects on his years at Bell Labs and research success

How to do Research at the MIT AI Lab is full of useful advice for any researcher

Advice for Undergraduates Considering Graduate School is an essay to prospective undergraduate students interested in research, from a series of essays by Philip Agre

The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. explains what a Ph.D. is with a set of diagrams, starting from your earliest education

You Cannot Serve Two Masters by Ben Recht discusses industry misdirection of academic work away from “curiosity driven research”

A List of Programming Essays curated by Ben Kuhn covers a variety of technical topics

Your Life is Driven by Network Effects describes levels of networking over the course of your life

Notes from the Mystery Machine Bus by Steve Yegge is a legendary rant which frames software engineering as a political affiliation

Farmer & Farmer (Jonathan Harris & Sep Kamvar) write about the bridge between humans and technology


Detexify converts character sketches to LaTeX

Vimium lets you quickly browse the web using your keyboard Vim-style with alternatives available for most modern browsers [1] [2] [3]

LibreOffice is a free office software suite including a word processor, spreadsheet editor, etc.

LyX is a word processor built on top of LaTeX made for great writing right out of the box


Learn X in Y Minutes is a quick reference tool for refreshing familiarity with a programming language and follows a unique tutorial format

Paul’s Math Notes is full of great math notes from grade school algebra to calculus in college

Cambridge Notes by Dexter Chua is a collection of curated notes on many math and physics courses

Artvee is a source of high resolution, public domain art

The Eye is a digital library that includes datasets and National Gallery paintings

Vimgifs is a collection of gifs exemplifying usage of Vim